A Secret Admirer For Valentines? It Could Be Hog Roast Thornton Heath

Hog Roast Thornton HeathWith February here many of us look either with dread or excitement to that February 14th date. Is this year’s valentines a day to celebrate with your loved one, perhaps going for a lovely dinner or enjoying a trip together? Or is it one where you’re looking for that special someone to share it with still, and hope that the year’s day of love could strike lucky for you this time around? Or perhaps you’re an unlucky in love individual who doesn’t need the reminder. Whatever Valentines this year means to you, for Hog Roast Thornton Heath it means an opportunity to share the love to all, not just for valentines itself but going forward to the whole of 2023! We’re you’re secret admirers this year, regardless of how valentines comes to you, and as your admirer we’re gifting you a little surprise when you book with us right now!

Yes, from not until Valentine’s day itself if you call up Hog Roast Thornton Heath for a new booking and quote the phrase “hogs and kisses” then you’ll receive our “Mystery Treat Offer”. And this offer doesn’t just have to be for a valentines event. Your booking can be for any time in 2023, you need only book before February 14th to invoke the offer. What will our mystery treat offer entail? Well that would be spoiling our lovers surprise, so you’ll just have to call and book to find out for yourself!

Hog Roast Thornton HeathYou can use this offer to surprise that special someone if you so choose. Our stylish and delicious catering is one of those services that really does make a statement of love to your partner. After all, they do say food is the key to the heart, and we’ve got one fancy master key right here with our fresh roasted meats and foods! Or perhaps your lucky in love partner is also your fiancé, and the two of you need wedding or engagement party catering. Our offer might well be perfect for these too! Whatever the need, Hog Roast Thornton Heath are feeling the love this valentines, and we’ve got some extra for your new bookings now.